A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Robot Factory E.Mecha.Inc

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The entire

esent on the bus.

The young Harold was captive in the middle of a secret room in the factory, full of oil stains, strange purple and blue fluids, huge batteries and a kind of portal, from which little by little lots of robots began to appear. ..

The factory's founder and main robot creator, Byron Johnson (who was believed dead) appeared and approached Harold.

He intended to make a deal, he wanted the nerd's intelligence and with his knowledge to be able to build more robots to do the typical villain cliché: "Conquer the world".

Predictably, Harold refused.

The big boss could not hide his anger and, after pressing a button, the robots began to approach the boy menacingly.

Harold began to run to the center of the room, where he found some red metallic discs, which when thrown towards a robot, it was destroyed.

He had a way to fight, now he only had to survive...


King Of Nerds A1.zip 43 MB

Install instructions

How to play...

WASD: To Move



There are THREE TYPES of books you can use to power up, but be carefull... if you get hit by an enemy, you will lose all your books (Except the golden book)

BLUE BOOK: Gives you a super shot with which you can go through up to three enemies.

GREEN BOOK: Increase your rate of fire.

GOLDEN BOOK: Gives you ten more seconds to survive

There are TWO TYPES of enemies that will come at you with killing intent.

R.A.M: He is fast and has a 1 point defense

POLYPHEMUS: It is a bit slower than R.A.M, but makes up for it with 3 defense points. The more points you have, the more often they will appear.

My thanks to JUHANI JUNKALA for making the music used, and to PHOENIX1291 for the sound effects.

(All found at https://opengameart.org/)

Thanks also to the PLATZI online learning platform for creating the course and the idea to create this project.

This project was created by BlakDev, boss, entrepreneur, investor, programmer, artist and employee of Gentleman Games.

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